About the Plymouth No Place for Hate Committee

The Town of Plymouth NPFH Committee is supported by the Town Of Plymouth Board of Selectmen. There are 13 seats on the committee (11 adult seats and 2 seats for Plymouth high school students).  Scroll down for a current list of Committee Members. Meetings are always open to the public.

To learn more or to apply for an open seat, please attend one of the monthly meetings, or for more information contact the committee chair at NPFHChair@gmail.com.

No Place for Hate is affiliated with the following organizations:

The Plymouth Police Department:  The Captain of the Plymouth Police Department notifies our Chairperson of any documented hate crimes.  Our committee responds with personal visits to provide emotional support for the victims.  The Captain and the Chief of Police are notified of all NPFH events.  They occasionally attend our meetings to update us on current events that pertain to our mission

Plymouth Area Interfaith Community Alliance (PAICA):  This alliance consists of representatives from many local area faith communities, NPFH, and the Plymouth Task Force for the Homeless.   It co-sponsors two annual town wide events:  The MLK Jr. Day of Service and the Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Ha Shoah).  PAICA offers its support in response to local or national tragedies.

The Plymouth Public Schools:  Members of our committee act as liaisons with the various public schools.  We volunteer at school events as mentors, models and supporters of their social justice clubs and programs which reflect our mission.

The Plymouth Library:  The town’s Main Library on South Street maintains The No Place for Hate Collection and provides the bibliography of these books and DVDs for adults and children. Click here to learn more.

The League of Women Voters (LWV) of the Plymouth Area: The LWV is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights to ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. The Plymouth Area LWV is one of 43 local leagues across Massachusetts, working to empower voters, defend democracy, and affect change through advocacy and education. Representatives from the Plymouth Area LWV DEI Committee regularly attend Plymouth No Place for Hate (PNPFH) meetings to provide League updates and foster heightened awareness of DEI issues facing the community. The Plymouth Area LWV also partners with PNPFH to sponsor community events and efforts focused on diversity, education, advocacy, and awareness.   Please visit https://www.plymouthlwv.org/ to learn more!

Our Mission

The Mission of the Plymouth No Place for Hate Committee honors and appreciates the diversity of the community it serves and the individuals it encounters, embracing the differences in race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, age, ability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, mental health, educational level or background, geography, work style, personality type, physical appearance, and/or political perspective or affiliation.  

As a Town of Plymouth Committee, the No Place for Hate Committee, pledges to uphold our town’s guiding principle … “we are a community that is inclusive, collaborative and promotes diversity.  Recognizing that we are different, and that is healthy and productive.”

Committee Charge – Through the leadership of Plymouth’s non-partisan No Place for Hate Committee, we will work to assure that the Plymouth community, as well as town governmental departments and committees are welcoming, civil, collaborative and respectful to everyone. 

The Committee provides opportunities to identify and address inequality, actively opposing social, racial and other injustices and intolerances through respectful engagement and dialogue while honoring and embracing the diversity of the community. Purposefully, we strive to promote and share learning opportunities by acknowledging and understanding the impact of history on social interactions. The Committee pledges to:

  • Educate members of our community
  • Promote acceptance of the differences of others
  • Display courage in the presence of racial and social injustice
  • Encourage and facilitate open, compassionate and difficult conversations that seek to find solutions towards understanding and eradicating racial and social injustice
  • Foster local partnerships to advance the mission.

We are committed to equity. We recognize that equity aims to remove barriers and eliminate racial, social and economic disparities by focusing on those who have been excluded from the decision-making process that affects the every-day lives of the citizens of Plymouth.

Current Committee Members

  • Jon Plate, Co-Chair & Treasurer
  • Peter Matlon, Co-Chair
  • Christina Bryant, Vice Chair
  • Ken Dicks, Parliamentarian
  • Michelle Tirella Ventura, Secretary
  • Suzanne Goldberg
  • Stephen Karam
  • Sarah Engels


The Committee wishes to acknowledge the service of members Barry Meltzer who was the committee chairperson from its inception in 2001 until 2013 and Joe Horn both of whom passed away in 2015. The spirit of these two men will live on in all those whose lives they touched and by all people who are committed to social justice.